
Karen Heimer

Karen Heimer, PhD

Collegiate Fellow
Karen Heimer is Professor of Sociology & Criminology, Collegiate Fellow in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Distinguished Research Fellow of the Public Policy Center at the University of Iowa.
Alexandra Herron photograph

Alexandra Herron

Graduate Student
Alexandra Herron is a Graduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
James Herzig

James Herzig

Academic Coordinator
James Herzig is an Academic Coordinator in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Steve Hitlin

Steve Hitlin, PhD

Steve Hitlin's interests include social psychology, self and identity, values, morality, social theory, and the life course.
This is a picture of Carrie Hodgson

Carrie Hodgson

Undergraduate Student
Carrie Hodgson is an Undergraduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
This is a picture of  Mallika Huynh

Mallika Huynh

Undergraduate Student
Mallika Huynh is an Undergraduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Kimberly Ingold picture

Kimberly Ingold

Graduate Student
Kimberly Ingold is a Graduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Lindsay Jarratt picture

Lindsay Jarratt, PhD

Visiting Instructor
Lindsay Jarratt is a Visiting Instructor of Sociology at the University of Iowa.
Chloe  Johnson

Chloe Johnson

Undergraduate Student
Chloe Johnson is an Undergraduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Henry Kim

Donghyun "Henry" Kim

Graduate Student
Donghyun "Henry" Kim is a Graduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Jae-On Kim

Jae-On Kim, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Jae-On Kim is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Ryan Kirkey Picture

Ryan Kirkey

Ryan Kirkey is an Accountant in the Department of Sociology
Daniel Knipp

Daniel Knipp

Graduate Student
Daniel Knipp is a Graduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Kellie Kucera Photo

Kellie Kucera

HR Coordinator
Kellie Kucera is a HR Coordinator in the Department of Sociology
Malinda Lamb

Malinda Lamb

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Malinda Lamb is a Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Katherine Linder

Katherine Linder

Graduate Student
Katherine Linder is a Graduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Michael Lovaglia

Michael Lovaglia, PhD

Michael Lovaglia is a Professor in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Freda Lynn picture

Freda B. Lynn, PhD

Freda Lynn is a Professor in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Asa Madison

Asa Madison

Graduate Student
Asa Madison is a Graduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Sarah Malone

Sarah Malone

Graduate Student
My passion for sociology started at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Sociology along with a minor in Mathematics.
Priscila Mendieta picture

Priscila Mendieta

Graduate Student
Priscila Mendieta is a Graduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Kelci Mueller

Kelci Millbrook

Graduate Student
Kelci Millbrook is a Graduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Ei Miyauchi photograph

Ei Miyauchi

Graduate Student
Ei Miyauchi is a Graduate Student in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Mary Noonan

Mary Noonan, PhD

Associate Professor
Mary Noonan's research interests include gender, work, family, and quantitative research methods.
Kate K. O'Neill picture

Kate K. O'Neill, PhD

Assistant Professor
Kate K. O'Neill is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa
Mario Paez-Arellano

Mario Paez-Arellano

Graduate Student
Learn more about Mario Paez-Arellano, Graduate Student at the University of Iowa.
Profile of Isaiah Pielak

Isaiah Pielak

Graduate Student
Learn more about Isaiah Pielak, Graduate Student at the University of Iowa.
Johnny Pippins photograph

Dell Pippins

Graduate Student
Learn more about Dell Pippins, Graduate Student at the University of Iowa.
Amber Powell picture

Amber Powell, PhD

Assistant Professor
Amber Joy Powell is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at University of Iowa