Amber Powell, PhD
Spring 2025 Office Hours
Via Zoom T: 10:30 - 1:30 pm
By appointment
Amber Joy Powell received her PhD in Sociology at the University of Minnesota in 2022. Amber's research examines the intersections of gendered racialized violence, law, and the carceral state. Her most recent work explores how juvenile detention centers enable and respond to the sexual victimization of incarcerated youth. She is conducting ongoing research on prison rape reform and the fight for sexual safety among legal practitioners and anti-prison rape activists. In prior research, Amber examined the role of courts in discrediting youth sexual assault victims (w/ Sameena Mulla and Heather Hlavka) and the impact of racialized police violence in North Minneapolis (w/Michelle Phelps).
- Crime, law, and social control
- Gender, law, and justice
- Race, crime, and justice