McKenna Raimer
Grand Junction, Colorado
Current position
I am a 1st year law student at The University of Iowa College of Law. Currently, all of my classes are introductions to the broad field of law: Contracts, Property, and Torts. I most enjoy my property law class and plan to tale more classes focusing on property accumulation and rights. I want to study health law and advocacy, and plan to apply for Iowa's MHA program in the next year.
Favorite class at Iowa
During my undergrad, I was a triple major and studied Criminology, Medical Anthropology, and Religious Studies. While challenging at times, I encourage students to seek out classes beyond their major(s). My favorite class at Iowa was 'Origins of Human Infectious Disease' taught by Professor Drew Kitchen in the anthropology department. This along with other classes taught by the anthropology faculty inspired my law studies in genetics, disease, and health care. Think about how each field can connect to what you are studying in your major(s)!
I enjoy spending (socially-distant) time with my friends and partner. Because much of my time is spent on my law studies, I appreciate any time I get to read, cook, and binge watch! Downtown Iowa City has many wonderful cafes and restaurants to enjoy on the weekends.