Steve Hitlin, PhD


Spring 2025 Office Hours
W: 1:30  - 3:00 pm
By appointment

Steve Hitlin's interests include social psychology, self and identity, values, morality, social theory, and the life course. Currently, he is working on three projects. First, he is continuing the development of theoretical and empirical research program aimed at supporting sociological studies of morality, specifically the relationship between values and the moral self. The second involves the nature of morality as interpreted within social situations. The third area revolves around attempts to empirically engage issues of ‘dignity’ as a social psychological concept to engage core sociological debates, as well as a measure of public health.

His teaching interests include social psychology, morality, sociological theory, the life course, and self/identity.

Steve Hitlin CV

Research areas
  • Social psychology
  • Gender and family
Steve Hitlin
PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Contact Information

University of Iowa
400C North Hall (NH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States