Help us spread the news about the great work of UI Sociology and Criminology faculty, staff, students, and alumni! Please notify the department of your noteworthy awards, publications, presentations, and other achievements.

Kendall Riley awarded Ruth Peterson Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Thursday, May 9, 2024
The fellowship is designed to encourage students of color to enter the field of criminology and criminal justice and facilitate the completion of their degrees.
Adjunct Instructor John Zielke wins Career Impact Award
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
The awards celebrate University of Iowa faculty or staff who have been essential in helping undergraduate students develop career skills.

Chad Rhym's paper wins second place at the 2024 Midwest Sociological Society Conference
Monday, May 6, 2024
The paper centers around qualitatively exploring how Black teachers in the Midwest weigh the pros and cons of their decision to stay or leave their workplaces.

Maddie Libao wins SAGE Publishing Keith Roberts Teaching Innovations Award
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
The award is designed to support the next generation of sociology scholars and teachers who are committed to teaching and learning sociology.

UI Sociology PhD Stef Shuster gives address at the Midwest Sociological Society's Annual Meeting
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Dr. Shuster gave the plenary address, “Reducing the Joy Deficit in Sociology: Why You Should Care about Transgender Joy.”
Asa Madison wins 2023-24 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Sociology and Criminology graduate student Asa Madison was awarded for their work as a teaching assistant by the University of Iowa's Council on Teaching.
Graduate Students Jay Sorensen and Katie Linder Earn Fellowships
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Katherine Linder earned the Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship while Jay Sorenson earned the Ballard-Seashore Dissertation Fellowship.

Dr. Berg named director of the Public Policy Center
Monday, December 4, 2023
Mark Berg, professor and collegiate scholar, will serve as the new director of the University of Iowa’s Public Policy Center, effective December 1.

Dr. Jenn Haylett was selected as a recipient of the 2023 1stGen@Iowa Award for First-Generation Student Advocacy
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Dr. Haylett received the award from the UI First-Generation Task Force.

Dr. Noonan featured on IPR's Talk of Iowa
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Mary Noonan discussed how reproductive health can impact a woman's career and financial well-being.