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Discover your career path
Help and counseling
Do you consider yourself to be supportive, generous, or empathetic? Are you interested in learning about mental health, criminal probation, or community development? Does it sound like fun to empower others, handle a crisis, or develop resources? Could you see yourself working at a clinic, a community center, a non-profit organization, a church, or starting your own private practice?
Careers in this community focus on understanding people, supporting them through difficult times, and equipping them to grow and thrive.
How to prepare:
- Talk with an advisor about paring additional programs of study to compliment your Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Talk with a career specialist as some of the following careers do require additional education.
The careers below are common with those who have a Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Community Development
- Law Enforcement
- Probation Counselor
- Social Work
- Victim Advocacy
Environment and sustainability
Do you consider yourself problem-focused, thoughtful, or eco-friendly? Are you interested in learning about human/environment interactions or conservation efforts that support sustainable living?
Careers in this community focus on leading or working with others to help educate and inform on how to protect the environment and human/animal health.
How to prepare:
- Talk with an advisor about paring additional programs of study to compliment your Sociology degree.
- Talk with a career specialist as some of the following careers do require additional education.
The careers below are common with those who have a Sociology degree.
- 4-H Program Coordinator
- Community Health Worker
- Disability Services Specialist
- Economic Policy Manager
- Housing Specialist
Health and wellness
Do you consider yourself to be nurturing, curious, or solution-focused? Are you interested in learning about how the mind works and how to keep it healthy? Does it sound like fun to work at a clinic, the state, or rehabilitation center? Could you see yourself working with specific populations like youth, families, or former convicts?
Careers in this community focus on decreasing injury or abuse and supporting others to be healthy and wholesome.
How to prepare:
- Talk with an advisor about paring additional programs of study to compliment your Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Talk with a career specialist as some of the following careers do require additional education.
The careers below are common with those who have a Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Case Manager
- Child Protective Services
- Family Services
- Probation Counselor
- Social Work
- Substance Abuse Counselor
Business and entrepreneurship
Do you consider yourself to have strong communication, management, or numerical skills? Are you interested in learning about marketing a product or conducting a financial analysis? Does it sound like fun to try to persuade or influence those around you? Could you see yourself working in a corporate environment collaborating with others to accomplish company goals?
Careers in this community focus on leading people and projects, developing business plans, and preparing accounting records.
How to prepare:
- Talk with an advisor about paring additional programs of study to compliment your Sociology degree.
- Talk with a career specialist as some of the following careers do require additional education.
The careers below are common with those who have a Sociology degree.
- Business Services Coordinator
- Career Coach/Counselor
- Event Assistant
- Market Research Analyst
- Personnel Manager
- Policy Manager
- Project Manager
Law and public service
Do you consider yourself to be ambitious, resilient, or optimistic? Are you interested in learning about developing public policy or addressing issues through governmental initiatives? Does it sound like fun to argue legal issues or lead a civic improvement project? Could you see yourself working for a city, state, or federal agency or non-profit organization?
Careers in this community focus on public affairs, politics, and serving the community.
How to prepare:
- Talk with an advisor about paring additional programs of study to compliment your Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Talk with a career specialist as some of the following careers do require additional education.
The careers below are common with those who have a Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Case Manager
- Child Protective Services
- Family Services
- Law Enforcement
- Lawyer
- Probation Counselor
- Public Safety
- Social Work
Scientific research
Do you consider yourself inquisitive, analytical, or insightful? Are you interested in learning about scientific issues or applying technical concepts to solve problems? Does it sound like fun to perform experiments or could you see yourself investigating scientific principles by collecting and analyzing data?
Careers in this community focus on designing and conducting research to improve products, processes, and ways of living.
How to prepare:
- Talk with an advisor about paring additional programs of study to compliment your Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Talk with a career specialist as some of the following careers do require additional education.
The careers below are common with those who have a Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Assistant Professor
- Court Records Researcher
- Crime Analyst
- Criminal Intelligence Analyst
- Investigative Research
- Legal Assistant
- Research Analyst
- Research Interviewer
Do you consider yourself to be helpful, patient, or understanding? Are you interested in learning about best methods to reach students or setting curriculum standards? Does is sound like fun to explain ideas and concepts to a classroom of learners? Could you see yourself teaching others to assist with understanding and comprehension?
Careers in this community focus on facilitating learning by guiding and encouraging others.
How to prepare:
- Talk with an advisor about paring additional programs of study to compliment your Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Talk with a career specialist as some of the following careers do require additional education.
The careers below are common with those who have a Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Correctional Officer
- Criminal Justice Teacher
- DARE Officer
- Family Support Specialist
- Training Director
- School Resource Officer
- University Faculty
Data and information technology
Do you consider yourself to be a systematic, precise, or efficient person? Are you interested in learning about preparing statistical charts, writing code, or analyzing data? Does it sound like fun to test computer programs and software applications? Could you see yourself working in a constantly changing high-tech environment?
Careers in this community focus on developing computer systems, managing computer networks, and interpreting and presenting data to address industry problems.
How to prepare:
- Talk with an advisor about paring additional programs of study to compliment your Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Talk with a career specialist as some of the following careers do require additional education.
The careers below are common with those who have a Criminology, Law and Justice degree.
- Administrative Assistant for Courts
- Correctional Records Clerk
- Criminal History Auditor/Investigator
- Criminal Intelligence Analyst
- Data Analyst
- Data Entry Operator
- Digital Crimes Investigator
- Police Records Technician
- Public Records Data Outreach
Professional associations

American Sociological Association
Undergraduate sociology majors may also become members of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Membership in the ASA has many benefits for students, including discounts on professional journals, discounts on publications informing students about careers and graduate programs in sociology, and opportunities to attend professional meetings where students can form networks and learn more about the field of sociology. The ASA also has an Honors Program for advanced undergraduate sociology majors.

Midwest Sociological Society
The Midwest Sociological Society is a vigorous regional association to which the University of Iowa faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students belong. The Society publishes The Sociological Quarterly, hosts a yearly meeting, and sustains many opportunities for members. Undergraduate students receive special membership discounts (which includes subscription to The Sociological Quarterly), can apply for special fellowships, and can compete in yearly research paper competitions.
Iowa Sociological Association
The Iowa Sociological Association, whose membership consists of area four year colleges and universities, holds one meeting per year at locations rotating among the member schools. The annual meeting is organized to simulate professional academic meetings. Student present papers, written in conjunction with their course work, before an audience of faculty and students. Student discussants evaluate each paper. Competitions are held for the best paper written by someone in the beginning of their college career, an advanced student, and student of criminal justice. In addition to student presentations, the meeting features a lunch and an address by a noted guest speaker. The Department of Sociology and Criminology at UI is an active participant in the Association and Iowa students regularly present papers and critiques.
Career resources for UI undergraduate students
The Pomerantz Career Center provides high-quality resources and services to students, alumni, and employers. The site has information designed to help you move through the various stages of the job search process, including the Handshake@UIowa website as well as information on upcoming employer visits, internships, and careers after college.
Meet with a career coach
All undergraduates can meet with a career coach to explore interests, skills, strengths, and values as you plan for after graduation.
Participate in a mock interview
Experience first-hand what an interview might be like by participating in a Mock Interview where you can practice interviewing, ask questions about the interview process, and be critiqued by volunteer employers from surrounding communities.
Attend a career fair
Network with employers and learn more about job and career opportunities in a variety of areas right here on campus.
Write an effective resume
Learn the level of detail needed to get noticed in the applicant pool and by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) software, including tips on how to format your resume, effective use of power verbs, a formula for crafting bullet points, and more.
Find or create an internship
We'll guide you through the process of finding an internship, creating your own opportunity, and evaluating internship offers.
Explore majors and careers
Learn more about how your personal attributes impact potential success and satisfaction with different career options and work environments. Or, start by exploring career fields and find majors that align with your interests and skills.