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American Sociological Association

Undergraduate sociology majors may also become members of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Membership in the ASA has many benefits for students, including discounts on professional journals, discounts on publications informing students about careers and graduate programs in sociology, and opportunities to attend professional meetings where students can form networks and learn more about the field of sociology. The ASA also has an Honors Program for advanced undergraduate sociology majors.

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Midwest Sociological Society

The Midwest Sociological Society is a vigorous regional association to which the University of Iowa faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students belong. The Society publishes The Sociological Quarterly, hosts a yearly meeting, and sustains many opportunities for members. Undergraduate students receive special membership discounts (which includes subscription to The Sociological Quarterly), can apply for special fellowships, and can compete in yearly research paper competitions. 

Iowa Sociological Association

The Iowa Sociological Association, whose membership consists of area four year colleges and universities, holds one meeting per year at locations rotating among the member schools. The annual meeting is organized to simulate professional academic meetings. Student present papers, written in conjunction with their course work, before an audience of faculty and students. Student discussants evaluate each paper. Competitions are held for the best paper written by someone in the beginning of their college career, an advanced student, and student of criminal justice. In addition to student presentations, the meeting features a lunch and an address by a noted guest speaker. The Department of Sociology and Criminology at UI is an active participant in the Association and Iowa students regularly present papers and critiques.