Marina Zaloznaya, PhD
Spring 2025 Office Hours
Via Zoom F: 8:00 - 11:30 am
By appointment
Marina Zaloznaya joined the Sociology faculty at the University of Iowa in 2012, after she received a Master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a PhD in Sociology from Northwestern University.
Dr. Zaloznaya’s research explores public sector corruption, political behavior, and gender in non-democratic regimes from a range of methodological perspectives, including ethnography, survey methods, comparative-historical, and network analysis. Her first book, The Politics of Bureaucratic Corruption in Post-Transitional Eastern Europe (Cambridge University Press 2017) analyzed the impact of hybrid political systems in Ukraine and Belarus on petty corruption in local universities, from the dissolution of the Soviet Union to the present day. For her second major project, funded by two grants from the U.S. Department of Defense, Dr. Zaloznaya and her collaborators carried out a series of national representative surveys in Russia, China, Ukraine, and Georgia. Using these rich data, they analyzed individual-level causes and gendered patterns of public sector corruption, its impact on citizens’ political views and behaviors, and its embeddedness in citizens’ social networks. Results of these analyses have appeared in a range of top sociology, political science, and area studies journals, such as Social Forces, Electoral Studies, Post-Soviet Affairs, etc. Dr. Zaloznaya is currently working on her second book, co-authored with Dr. William M. Reisinger, which will bring together the findings from this large comparative project.
Most recently, Dr. Zaloznaya edited a special issue of Demokratizatsiya, featuring cutting-edge law and society research on non-democratic societies with a legacy of socialism. She also started a new ethnographic and historical study of Russian women’s involvement in informal economies and political resistance.
At Iowa, Dr. Zaloznaya teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Global Criminology, Sociology of White-Collar Crime, Law and Society, Human Rights, and Comparative-Historical Methods.
- Crime, law, and social control
- Political sociology