Jay Sorensen
I’m a post-comprehensive exam PhD student in the department of sociology and criminology. My primary research interests are gender, sexualities, masculinities, and the sociology of culture, especially media and popular culture. In 2019, I completed my MA project titled “Masculinity is a loaded gun: Gay, Bisexual, & Queer Transgender Men Navigating Hegemonic Masculinities.” Currently, I am preparing to begin my dissertation research focusing on cisgender women’s experience performing as drag queens.
Along with my research, I have a passion for teaching and believe that sociology and the study of gender can be relevant to students of all disciplines. Examining our social world through the critical lenses of gender, race, and class is essential to the further progress of women, trans identified folks, as well as those living outside of established binaries of gender. We live in a time of uncertainty and fear surrounding social issues and I believe that academics and researchers have an integral role to play in the creation of a more just society. It is my goal to use my time as a graduate student at the University of Iowa to work toward this goal.