Donghyun "Henry" Kim
My name is Donghyun "Henry" Kim (김동현; 金東鉉). I obtained BA in Psychology and MA in Clinical Psychology from Chung-Ang University, South Korea. During that period, I aimed to contribute to the understanding of social anxiety disorder by investigating how individuals with social anxiety are sensitive to non-verbal social cues and how this sensitivity affects their emotions and social functioning in negative ways.
After obtaining the MA degree, I worked in human resource management consulting industry and learned that decision-making and social interaction in organizations involve not only an individual's competency and preference, but also his/her cultural background and the inter- and intra-dynamics of emotions.
To better understand these cultural and group dynamics, I attended the sociology graduate program at the University of California, Riverside. Based on a coalitional psychological perspective, I wrote my second MA thesis on the effects of cross-ethnic social interaction on health.
My current research interests at the University of Iowa are sociological social psychology, mental health, group process, and 4E (embodied, embedded, enactive, and extended) cognition.