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PhD placement, 2000-present
- JJ Park - Assistant Professor at California State University, Fullerton
- Hannah Espy - Assistant Professor at Lycoming College in Pennsylvania
- KaLeigh White - National Poverty Fellow at the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) in the Division of Economic Independence in Washington, D.C.
- Kathryn Rittenhour - Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri
- Liz Felix - Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas
- Rachel Maller - Researcher at Education Northwest in Portland, OR
- Erica Walker - Assistant Dean of Students at Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs, CO
- Inga Popovaite - Researcher at Kaunas University of Technology Faculty of Social Sciences, Art, and Humanities in Kaunas, Lithuania
- Chanhum Yoon - Data Analyst at OpenSurvey in Seoul, South Korea
- Qianyi Shi - Statistician at University of Iowa Health Care Department of Internal Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine (Iowa City, IA)
- Jihye Kim - Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
- Olga Novoselova - Assistant Professor at Emlyon Business School in Lyon, France
- Kaylin Burgess - Research Scientist at the Center for Advancing Population Science at Medical College of Wisconsin (Milwaukee, WI)
- Alexandra Leaskas - Champions Before and After School Director at Christine Grant Elementary School (North Liberty, IA)
- Hansini Munasinghe - Research at PPR, Inc. in Seattle, WA
- Nicole Oehmen - Assistant Professor and Director of Sociology at Carolina University
- Ethan Rogers - Assistant Research Scientist at the Public Policy Center at University of Iowa
- Olga Novoselova - Postdoctoral Fellow at Emlyon Business School in Lyon, France
- Allison Gorga - tenure track position; Assistant Professor: Edgewood College
- Hye Won Kwon - postdoctoral researcher; Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) (Moscow, Russia); postdoctoral at The University of Turku (Finland)
- Mesay Tegegne - Provost's Postdoctoral Fellowship: University of South Florida
- Shane Soboroff - tenure track position; Assistant Professor: St Ambrose University (Davenport, IA)
- Jorge Chavez Rojas - tenure track position; Millikin University (Illinois)
- Donna Lancianese - program evaluator; Iowa Consortium for Substance Abuse Research and Evaluation
- Ken Sanchagrin- assistant professor; Appalachian State University (North Carolina)
- David Biagas – assistant professor; College of Wooster (Ohio)
- Rengin Firat – assistant professor; Global Studies Institute at Georgia State University (Atlanta, Ga.)
- Mark H. Walker – assistant professor; Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge (Louisiana)
- Miriam Verplough Elana - senior research scientist 1; Institute for Social Research: University of New Mexico
- Matthew Andersson – postdoctoral fellow; Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course, Yale University (Connecticut); assistant professor at Baylor University
- stef shuster – postdoctoral fellow; Thompson Writing Program, Duke University (North Carolina); assistant professor at Michigan State University
- Karletta White – assistant professor; Grambling State University (Louisiana)
- Jennifer Turchi – assistant professor; Castleton State College (Vermont)
- Charisse C. Levchak – assistant professor; St. Norbert College (Wisconsin)
- Christopher Kelly – assistant visiting professor; Truman State University (Missouri); assistant professor of leadership; United States Air Force Academy
- Matthew Boswell – analyst; Department of Homeland Security
- Rengin Firat – postdoctoral fellowship; University of Lyon (France)
- Phil Levchak – assistant professor; Texas A&M University at San Antonio
- Kevin Pinkston – postdoctoral research associate; Institute for Health and Research Policy; University of Illinois at Chicago
- Yan Wang – assistant professor; Nankai University (Tianjin, China)
- Christie Boxer – assistant professor; Adrian College (Michigan)
- Celeste Campos-Castillo – postdoctoral fellowship at Institute for Security, Technology and Society; Dartmouth College (New Hampshire) and assistant professor; University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, beginning Fall, 2014; tenured at UW-Milwaukee
- Ana Campos-Holland – assistant professor; Connecticut College
- Samantha Cumley – assistant professor; University of Idaho
- Shane Soboroff – instructor; Eastern Illinois University
- Sanghag Kim – assistant professor; Hanyang University (Seoul, Korea)
- Layana Navarre-Jackson – assistant professor: remote; Ashford University (Iowa)
- Vernon Woodley – assistant professor; Eastern Illinois University
Nicole H.W. Civettini – assistant professor; Winona State University (Minnesota)
- Bridget Conlon – assistant professor; St. Cloud State University (Minnesota)
- Elizabeth C.W. Lyman – assistant professor; Radford University (Virginia)
- Tina Wildhagen – assistant professor; Smith College (Massachusetts)
- Teri J. Fritsma – evaluation specialist, GEAR UP/Get Ready Program; Minnesota Office of Higher Education
- Kelly K. Richardson – research health science specialist, Center for Research in the Implementation of Innovative Strategies in Practice (CRIISP), Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Iowa City. Adjunct instructor, The University of Iowa Sociology Department.
- Christabel L. Rogalin – assistant professor; Purdue University North Central (Indiana)
Phyllis Rippeyoung – assistant professor; Acadia University, Nova Scotia (Canada)
Reef R. Youngreen – assistant professor; University of Massachusetts-Boston
- Kemal Aydin – assistant professor; Uludag University (Turkey)
- Christopher Barnum – assistant professor and MCJ Cedar Rapids Program Liaison, Criminal Justice Program; St. Ambrose University (Iowa)
- Ashley Finley – Senior Director of Assessment and Research for Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
- Scott Fitzgerald – assistant professor; University of North Carolina-Charlotte
- Mellisa Holtzman – associate professor; Ball State University (Indiana)
- Shinyoung Kim – assistant professor; College of Cybereducation, Hanyang University (Korea)
- Dong-Joon Shin – assistant professor, Department of Police Administration; Keimyung University (South Korea)
- Ryan Spohn – director of the Nebraska Center for Crime and Justice Research; University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Halime Unal – assistant professor; Mugla University (Turkey)
- C. Wesley Younts – associate professor, University of Hartford (Connecticut)
- Anne F. Eisenberg – associate professor; State University of New York at Geneseo
- William Kalkhoff – associate professor; Kent State University (Ohio)
- Randee Fieselmann – visiting assistant professor; The University of Iowa
- Leda Kanellakos Nath – associate professor; University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
- Thomas D. Stucky – associate professor of Criminal Justice, School of Public and Environmental Affairs; Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Victor Wynn – assistant professor; Kansas Wesleyan University
- Melissa Bonstead-Bruns – associate professor and chair; University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
- Sarah Beth Estes – Gender Studies coordinator; University of Arkansas at Little Rock
- Kwangsoo Kim – full-time, tenure-track; Taeshin Christian University (South Korea)
- Miriam Landsman – associate professor and executive director, NRC, Social Work; The University of Iowa
- Jeffrey Lucas – associate professor; University of Maryland
- Kristen Marcussen – associate professor; Kent State University (Ohio)
- Nick Pedriana – assistant professor, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Professional associations

American Sociological Association
Undergraduate sociology majors may also become members of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Membership in the ASA has many benefits for students, including discounts on professional journals, discounts on publications informing students about careers and graduate programs in sociology, and opportunities to attend professional meetings where students can form networks and learn more about the field of sociology. The ASA also has an Honors Program for advanced undergraduate sociology majors.

Midwest Sociological Society
The Midwest Sociological Society is a vigorous regional association to which the University of Iowa faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students belong. The Society publishes The Sociological Quarterly, hosts a yearly meeting, and sustains many opportunities for members. Undergraduate students receive special membership discounts (which includes subscription to The Sociological Quarterly), can apply for special fellowships, and can compete in yearly research paper competitions.
Iowa Sociological Association
The Iowa Sociological Association, whose membership consists of area four year colleges and universities, holds one meeting per year at locations rotating among the member schools. The annual meeting is organized to simulate professional academic meetings. Student present papers, written in conjunction with their course work, before an audience of faculty and students. Student discussants evaluate each paper. Competitions are held for the best paper written by someone in the beginning of their college career, an advanced student, and student of criminal justice. In addition to student presentations, the meeting features a lunch and an address by a noted guest speaker. The Department of Sociology and Criminology at UI is an active participant in the Association and Iowa students regularly present papers and critiques.
Career resources for UI graduate students
The Graduate College offers robust professional development services, including career guidance, national grants and fellowships support, and Iowa's Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL).
For more information on graduate student professional development services, visit the Grad Success Center.