Freda Lynn, Ph.D.


Spring 2024 Office Hours:
By appointment

Freda B. Lynn is Professor of Sociology at the University of Iowa and a faculty affiliate of Iowa’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Informatics.

She conducts research on status and inequality using a variety of methodological approaches, including survey analysis, simulations, network analysis, and experiments. She has explored status and cumulative advantage in the context of diffusion in science, small groups and hierarchy formation, and valuation in market contexts. Her work has been funded by the National Science Foundation and appears in a variety of journals, including the American Journal of SociologyAmerican Sociological ReviewAnnual Review of SociologySocial Forces, and Social Psychology Quarterly. Her recent research focuses on different aspects of the social construction of value. In one project, she investigates how educational status affects how individuals map the occupational landscape (“Position with a View” ASR 2017). In another project, using a historical approach to citation networks, she examines how different kinds of audiences grow around scientific ideas.

Professor Lynn’s teaching interests include quantitative methods, status and inequality, the social construction of value, and social networks.

Freda Lynn CV

Research areas
  • Gender and Family
  • Complex Organizations
  • Stratification
Freda Lynn
Ph.D., Harvard University

400P North Hall (NH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States